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Double-Stop Études
Please visit the FREEBIES page to download samples from this resource.
5 Progressive Double-Stop Études for Violin, composed by Heather Figi, is a 21-page *eBook for beginning - intermediate level violin players offering a straightforward and streamlined approach to teaching double-stops.
🎵 Hear what other musicians have to say about this collection:
"The Etudes are well devised and progressive. My student had a good start into the world of double stops." - Alice E.
"The music was easy to access, and the print quality was perfect. My daughter is enjoying the new etudes. Thanks!" -A.V.
"As a teacher, many times I stop and break down a study or technique into "step by step" approach, with boxes, lines, stars and footnotes on the page. Double stops are definitely something that benefit from this incremental approach, and here, Heather Figi has produced a set of progressive studies that give students the chance to achieve this step by step themselves, with well-set out exercises that cover a variety of bowing patterns, and based around open string keys for securely-grounded intonation in these initial stages. This culminates in a number of short attractive pieces in a number of different styles with double stops and even a chart of intervals for theory support which some students may find very helpful. An easily-downloaded PDF version and option of a studio license is something that teachers everywhere will find very practical, and students will appreciate these attractive and clear exercises and musical examples." - Helen T.
Table of Contents for 5 Progressive Double-Stop Études for Violin:
1- Preparatory Exercises the 5 Progressive Double Stop Études
2- 5 Progressive Double Stop Études for Violin, including Simplified Single Stop Previews + Chord & Bariolage Studies
3- Bonus Double Stop Music
- Twinkle Theme in Double Stops (I Position & Shifting)
- Boil Them Cabbage Down (Theme & Variation)
- New Spring (Single Stops & Double Stops)
4- Blank Staff Paper
5- Interval Charts
This resource is also offered in the Teaching Bonus Bundle, which features 5 innovative teaching resources for the price of 3.
Learn more about the Teaching Bonus Bundle HERE.
* Please note this eBook is a digital download, and no physical item will be mailed to you. Once you order this collection, you will be redirected to a link that allows you to download this music collection and print it out from the convenience of home.
A friendly reminder that integrity starts with you.
I offer a generous bulk discount if you need more than one copy of this product. Click HERE to learn more.
1- Learn the preparatory exercises at the beginning. Each 4-8 measure section correlates to a longer étude. Some students will be able to learn all 5 in a week, and other students will need more time to learn the 5 preparatory exercises. Do not move on to the full études until these five preparatory exercises are mastered.
2- Next, begin to learn the 5 double-stop études in the progression presented in this resource. Start with playing thru the étude in single stops (written out for the students before each double stop étude). The goal here is to teach students to always "find the easy" in whatever repertoire they are learning. The simplified single-stop versions of the études should be sight-readable, and students should find themselves thinking "this is easy" when playing these on their violin. Previewing the more sophisticated double-stop études with the single-stop simplified version is important because it helps the ear identify a melody which will translate into an accurate and in tune interpretation of the double-stop étude.
3- Play the bonus double-stop music for fun to celebrate how far you have come! Visit the FREEBIES page for some more double stop sheet music.