This page shares more information about the specific innovative and unique collections of printable violin sheet music collections offered here at the Music for Young Violinists store.
Welcome to my website, my passion and my music! If you are here, I am guessing you are either a:
A. Violinist B. Violin Teacher C. Parent of a Young Musician D. All of the Above!
I have 20 + years of experience teaching young violinists, and I love composing music for this group of excited and budding musicians. That being said, my compositions are not confined to a specific age and are for anyone "young at heart."
A little secret about the music in these collections is that I constantly hide technique-building skills in the pieces I compose. I borrowed this concept from all the wise mothers who know how to bake vegetables into brownies. You can expect plenty of support for mixing up high & low 2nd fingers, bowing patterns and shifting (especially III position and harmonics). Also, all of this music has been tried out and tested on actual young musicians with great approval and joy.
Please click on the images below (or scroll under the tab above) to learn more about what makes each collection unique and view the entire score.